Thursday, May 10, 2012

Different Perspectives

For this post, I decided to get someone other opinions on art. I I scheduled interviews and got some insight on their thoughts.Three people were willing to sacrifice some free time to answer these questions.

People interviewed
Adam Coon
Kimberly Grigg

First up, Adam is a fantastic artist and a current time blogger. He imaginative mind has a way of creating weird drawings and sometimes completely random. The blog he keeps track of is called “Draw-a-Day.”

“What are your thoughts on art?”
He answered, “It is crazy, interesting, and amazing.”

“How long have you been interested in art?”
He answered, “I’ve been interested in art for fourteen and a half years. That is basically my whole life.”

“What is your most favorable art style?”
He answered, “I favor painting, and drawing sketches with pencils. I also like using water colors.”

Based on Adam’s responses, I conclude that he can interact with art in a different way others may feel. His personality reflects on art to inspire him through each passing day.

Now for our second interview. Kimberly is an Early College facilitator at a Bessemer City High School. She helps with advice needed by curious students. I thought she would provide me with great responses on her perspective outlook. As I predicted, she provided something different from Adam.

“What do you value most in art?”
She answered, “I value the differences in different artists.”

“How do you think art impacts life today?”
She answered, “It gives you an appreciation for life through visual images and styles.”

Thanks to Kimberly, I feel like I connected with her responses and how they would apply to me as well;however, they wouldn’t be my only answers if I were asked these questions. Her insights on art were mostly different from what Adam said.

Thanks to these two opposite views on our imaginative, creative culture, I was able to see things I didn’t see in art. They allowed me to open up a little more and notice things I haven’t before.

Kimberly Grigg
Adam Coon (Draw-a-Day)


  1. Hey Chris nice post. I liked how you interviewed different people to get different points of view.

  2. I like your questions that you asked. I like some forms of art also. I favor the ones that have a meaning to every part of the picture. Good Job!
